Hackers leak private details of Israeli soldiers

 Israeli soldiers set a temporary roller bridge

28 Oct 2021; MEMO: Hackers on Tuesday leaked the private details of hundreds of Israeli army personnel and those who are nearing enlistment age.

Placing the details on the Dark Web, the group – which calls itself Moses Staff – hacked over 165 servers and 254 websites and compiled over 11 terabytes of data, and claimed they have Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz under surveillance.

"We know every decision you make and will hit you where you least expect it. We have secret Defense Ministry documents, operational military maps and troop deployment information and will publish your crimes to the world," they said.

On Monday, personal photographs of Gantz were posted online following a hack.

According to the report, "the data dump included soldiers' ranks, units and contact details, as well as more private information relating to their personal lives which they had shared with their commanders",  Haaretz said.

Officials in Israel believe Iran is behind the attack. There's been no official comment from Tehran.