Algeria's President Tebboune pardons over 100 detained activists ahead of Eid

Algerian Pres Abdelmadjid Tebboune

15 July 2021; MEMO: Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune on Wednesday pardoned more than 100 activists detained for participating in anti-government Hirak Movement protests.

The Algerian presidency announced in a statement: "On the occasion of Eid al-Adha (next Tuesday), the president of the republic has decided to pardon 30 detainees with a final verdict and 71 others who did not receive a sentence due to their activities during the protests by the Hirak Movement."

According to the statement, the pardoned detainees were released on Wednesday evening.

Last February, President Tebboune pardoned 59 activists on the 2nd anniversary of the popular movement, following a meeting with leaders of the country's political parties.

According to the Algerian League for the Defence of Human Rights, Algerian authorities detained more than 300 Hirak activists as of July.

For months, human rights organisations and opposition parties in Algeria have been calling on the country's president to release Hirak activists and those detained for posting critical views on social media.