Somali gov’t condemns suicide bombing attack in capital

suicide bombing

MOGADISHU, July 3 (NNN-Xinhua) — Somalia’s government on Saturday condemned the suicide bombing attack in Mogadishu on Friday evening that left 10 people dead and dozens injured.

“The horrific and callous attack by al-Shabaab terrorists shows they targeting innocent people which makes it our duty to co-operate together to fight terrorism,” Prime Minister Mohamed Roble said in a statement.

A suicide bomber wrapped in an explosive vest blew himself up at a tea restaurant in Mogadishu’s Shibis district. The scene of the attack is near National Intelligence and Security Agency headquarters and the eatery is frequented by security forces.

The Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism said the attack occurred during a busy hour where the victims were enjoying tea at a local eatery. The ministry said the terrorist group has once again proven that its violence has no bounds and will kill indiscriminately.

“Al-Shabaab only strives to cause pain, destruction and chaos. These ideals have no place in a free Somalia,” it said in a statement issued in Mogadishu. An investigation into Friday evening’s attack by suspected al-Shabaab militants is still ongoing to establish the motive of the attack.

It said the Somali National Army and special forces Danab will work tirelessly for the people of Somalia to live in peace, prosperity and free from al-Shabaab’s indiscriminate crimes.

The militant group was routed from Mogadishu in 2011 by the allied forces and has had to abandon most of its strongholds, but it still controls vast rural areas and remains the key threat to peace in Somalia.

The latest attack comes barely a week after the government released an electoral calendar in which it plans to hold parliamentary and presidential elections by October.