Israel opposition slams Yamina MK over voting twice in Knesset

Israeli Knesset

03 July 2021; MEMO: Yamina MK Abir Kara has faced fierce criticism and calls for prosecution from the opposition over voting twice in the Knesset, Israeli media reported on Friday.

Kara was caught illegally voting twice in the Knesset on a bill limiting unemployment benefits on Thursday. This placed him at the centre of fierce criticism from the opposition.

The Yamina MK, who is a deputy minister at the prime minister's office, claims that he mistakenly used the computer of his colleague.

"I voted from the wrong computer of my friend who sits next to me, out of instinct, and it was a mistake," he tweeted, adding:

"The important thing is that I admitted immediately to the error. And by the way, the coalition had a majority on the bill anyway."

At the same time, he denounced the opposition over their fierce criticism and accused them of never giving attention to their own "failures", which led to losing the lives of Israeli citizens.

"My friends in the opposition who have never taken responsibility for their failures, which have caused lives to be lost, won't teach me about fixing mistakes," he asserted, adding: "You are drowning in the failures at Meron and in Lod that are still smeared on your faces."

He stressed: "I will continue to work on behalf of the public with love and dedication."

The Times of Israel reported a source in the Knesset informing Israeli TV Channel 13 that if no other such instances are discovered, Kara is unlikely to face criminal charges.