PDP welcomes resumption of trade between India and Pak

Srinagar, Mar 31 (PTI) The PDP on Wednesday welcomed the "resumption" of trade relations between India and Pakistan, saying broadening the scope of engagement was pivotal for the restoration of durable peace in the subcontinent.

The reaction from the party came after Pakistan said it will buy sugar and cotton from India, a decision that will lead to a partial revival of bilateral trade relations which were suspended after the August 5, 2019 decision of India to revoke the special status of Jammu and Kashmir and bifurcate it into union territories.

The PDP also urged the two countries to work out the modalities for the resumption of cross-Line of Control (LoC) trade in Jammu and Kashmir at the earliest.

Party welcomes resumption of Indo-Pak trading relations. Broadening the scope of engagements is pivotal for restoration of durable peace in the subcontinent.

"We urge the govts of both countries to earnestly work out the modalities for resumption of Cross LoC trade at the earliest (sic), the Peoples Democratic Party said on its official Twitter handle.