US asks Russia for help with agenda on North Korea's denuclearization

WASHINGTON, January 26. /TASS/. The United States has asked Russia to assist in determining the right agenda on certain aspects of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and Moscow is ready to contribute along with other participants in the six-party process, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov told reporters on Friday after talks with his US colleagues in Washington.

"Before the meeting between [vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea] Kim Yong Chul and [US State Secretary Mike] Pompeo, Washington expressed concern over the lack of considerable process since the summit in Singapore," Morgulov said.

"The main topic now is holding the second US-North Korean summit which, as our US colleagues hope, will give an impetus to transferring the talks on denuclearization into practical steps. In this regard, we received a request to assist in determining the right agenda for talks on certain aspects of denuclearization, and, together with other participants in the six-party negotiations process, we are ready to contribute to discussions on concrete measures and steps aimed at resolving the nuclear and other problems on the Korean Peninsula," he added.