Israel: 3 Arab-Israeli parties agree to run on Joint List slate

04 Feb 2021; MEMO: Three parties have agreed to continue to run in Israel's upcoming elections as one bloc; the Joint List.

The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Hadash), the National Democratic Gathering (Balad) and the Arab Movement for Renewal (Ta'al) yesterday agreed to run as a united list in the March election.

Meanwhile, the United Arab List (UAL), the southern branch of the Islamic Movement, which was previously the fourth party of the Joint List led by MK Mansour Abbas, has decided to split from the alliance and run independently.

The three parties submitted their joint slate ahead of last night's deadline for electoral lists to be finalised.

The agreement, which was signed at the Joint List's headquarters in Shefa-Aram, outlined that the Arab Movement for Renewal will chair the parliamentary bloc.