Mossad involved in Israeli Embassy explosion probe in India

 Israeli Embassy Delhi

01 Feb 2021; MEMO: Israel's Mossad spy agency is involved in the investigation into the explosion near the Zionist state's embassy in India last week, RT reported on Sunday.

According to Israeli and Indian media, a bomb exploded near the Israeli Embassy in New Delhi, breaking the windows of three cars but causing little damage in the embassy itself. There were no casualties.

The Times of Israel said that the investigators had found an envelope in the street with a letter addressed to the Israeli Ambassador describing the explosion as a "trailer" and referring to "Iranian martyrs" Qasem Soleimani and Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. "We can end your life, anytime, anywhere," it claimed.

An unknown group calling itself the "Army of India" has claimed responsibility for the attack. It said that its "soldiers" could infiltrate the heavily guarded diplomatic area in the Indian capital in order to carry out further action.