Israel’s Army Chief Warns U.S. Against Rejoining Iran Nuclear Deal

Israeli military chief, Aviv Kochavi

JERUSALEM, Jan 27 (NNN-MA’AN) – Israeli military chief, Aviv Kochavi, warned the United States against rejoining the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement, arguing that it might enable Iran to develop nuclear weapons.

Speaking in an online conference, held by the Institute for National Security Studies, an Israeli security think tank, Kochavi said that, a return to the deal will be “bad operationally and bad strategically.”

He said that allowing Iran to continue its nuclear programme would pose “an unacceptable threat” to Israel and “will lead to nuclear proliferation across the region.”

Kochavi warned that the Israeli military is ready to attack in case of an Iranian strike, “I instructed the army to prepare a number of operational plans in addition to the existing ones.”

“We are taking care of these plans and will develop them during the coming year. Those who decide on carrying them out, of course, are the political leaders. But these plans have to be on the table,” he said.

Iran denied it was developing nuclear arms and says its programme is for peaceful purposes only.