Russia urges West to refrain from threats and provocations in global affairs

MOSCOW, January 16. /TASS/. Russia urges Western powers to refrain from blackmail, threats and provocations in international politics and to build the dialogue on the basis of principles enshrined in the UN Charter, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with Serbia’s Politika newspaper in the run-up to his visit to Belgrade.

"We call upon Western colleagues to refrain from methods of blackmail, threats and provocations, to respect the international law, to build the dialogue between states on the basis of principles enshrined in the UN Charter. This is the key to preserving peace, strengthening global and regional stability and security," he said.

The Russian leader added that Moscow has firmly and consistently spoken in favor of improving the general international climate, which "remains tense and… unpredictable."

"To a large extent, this situation was caused by incessant unilateral actions by US and other Western nations, including the use of force. As a result, the general atmosphere of confrontation and mistrust has only been made worse," he said.