'Our stance on Western Sahara is not subject to revision or negotiation': Algerian Parliament Speaker

 Slimane Chenine

24 Dec 2020; MEMO: Speaker of the Algerian People's National Assembly Slimane Chenine reaffirmed his country's firm position on the Western Sahara issue and "the people's right to determine their fate."

Chenine pointed out: "The right to self-determination is guaranteed in the Charter of the United Nations and other human rights accords."

The Algerian official stressed during the parliamentary day to support the rights of the Sahrawi people that: "Algeria's positions regarding the rights of peoples to determine their fates are fixed and not subjected to exchange, concession or revision."

He added: "The Sahrawi issue is about ending colonisation in the region, due to the absence of any historical or legal link between the Sahrawi people and the Moroccan occupation."