Israel deploys Iron Dome defences on northern border

 Israel Iron Dome system

28 July 2020; MEMO: Israel has deployed Iron Dome air defence batteries along its northern border with Lebanon, local media revealed on Monday. The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) apparently fear Hezbollah revenge attacks following an Israeli strike in Syria that killed a senior fighter with the Lebanese movement.

On Monday, the Lebanese territory known as Shebaa Farms, occupied and called Mount Dov by Israel, witnessed an increase in military activity. According to the Times of Israel, the IDF claimed to have thwarted a Hezbollah attack in the area, opening fire on a number of fighters from the “terror group”. No Israelis were injured during the incident.

The IDF denied Lebanese media reports that an anti-tank missile was fired at an Israeli tank in the area. A spokesperson for the army, Hidai Zilberman, said that some members of the Hezbollah cell fled back to Lebanon, but added, “We don’t know their condition for sure at this point.”

On Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel would never allow Iran to reposition on its northern border. He blamed Syria and Lebanon for any attack launched from this area against Israel.