Israelis sell sperm during unemployment crisis

 Cryos the biggest sperm bank

27 July 2020; MEMO: Unprecedented unemployment and the resultant financial crisis is pushing many Israelis to sell sperm to local sperm banks, the Times of Israel reported on Saturday. Sperm banks have reported a 300 per cent increase in donations.

Donors apparently include soldiers who have been demobilised as well as students, many of whom were laid off from work or put on unpaid leave. Public and private sperm banks pay hundreds of shekels per donation, making it possible for a donor to earn up to NIS 4,000 ($1,172) every month.

One 25-year-old from Haifa told Channel 12 that he had lost his job as a chef and is now tens of thousands of shekels in debt. He has had to leave his apartment and move back in with his parents.

“I decided that donating sperm is a good opportunity to make money,” he explained. “For just a few minutes ‘work’ I can earn NIS 3,000 [$879] a month and more. It’s a great income at this time, while I’m unemployed.” He added that he knows many young people in the same situation.