Russia will open borders on reciprocal basis, no specific decisions yet — Kremlin


MOSCOW, July 23. /TASS/: Russia will open its borders with other countries on a reciprocal basis, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday, noting that these issues are being discussed with the foreign partners but no specific decisions have been made yet.

"Certainly, the opening of the borders will be implemented on a reciprocal basis. As far as it is known, contacts are in progress right now, but no decisions have been made," he stressed. The Kremlin representative reiterated the Russian government and its anti-coronavirus crisis center are in charge of the issue.

Due to the spread of the coronavirus Russia fully suspended regular and charter international flights on March 27, carriers could only operate special flights to return passengers home. Russia’s government also handed down instructions to temporarily restrict traffic into and out of the country at automotive, railway, pedestrian, and other checkpoints at Russia’s state border starting on March 30.

Earlier, Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko in an open interview with TASS First Deputy Director General Mikhail Gusman said that the issue of possible opening of Russia’s borders with the EU countries is linked directly with the citizens’ safety. He also spoke against the attempts to politicize this issue.