India: Regard the Constitution or face chaos: CJI

Ranjan Gogoi

Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi said that the Indians must heed to the ethics and morality of the Constitution. If we don’t, “our hubris will end with a plunge into chaos”, he warned.

Chief Justice said that the Constitution was “the voice of the marginalised as well as the prudence of the majority”.

“Its wisdom continues to guide us in moments of crisis and stability. It is in our best interests to heed its advice,” Chief Justice Gogoi said.

CJI Gogoi was speaking at the Constitution-day function. Present with him were President Ram Nath Kovind and Union Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad.

The Hindu quoted President Kovind saying that the Constitution was the “modern scripture of independent India”.

President Kovind said that the Constitution has given the judiciary, government and the legislature critical responsibilities. “It also urged them to build a fraternal and parallel relationship. The duty of safeguarding and strengthening the Constitution is a shared enterprise among all three institutions, in partnership with the people of India,”