Israel: Gantz agrees on Lieberman’s conditions for joining left-wing alliance

Benny Gantz

09 Mar 2020; MEMO: Chief of Israel’s Blue and White party, Benny Gantz, agreed on the conditions set by Yisrael Beiteinu head Avigdor Lieberman to join a left-wing alliance, local media reported yesterday.

According to the Jewish News Syndicate, Gantz wrote on Facebook: “Agreed, we must move forward.”

However, Gantz’s alliance with Lieberman may face a crisis as the Joint List – a party which is Arab dominated – has said it would never join an alliance which includes Lieberman.

The chief of the Joint List, Mtanes Shihadeh, told the Israeli Army Radio that the Arab MKs would not commit the same mistake they committed three months ago when they supported Gantz without clear pledges.

“The Joint List will not repeat the mistake of three months ago to recommend Benny Gantz without any commitment, without any agreement, without anything written,” Shihadeh said.

He added: “We saw what happened last time: The Joint List made its recommendation and Gantz basically broke right, adopting all the Likud party’s positions.”