Venezuelan diplomats return home from Bolivia after expulsion

Nicolas Maduro

CARACAS, November 18. /TASS/: All the Venezuelan diplomats who were working in Bolivia have returned back, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro told reporters on Sunday.

"Today, after persecution and threats in Bolivia the diplomatic personnel returned to Venezuela," Maduro said in a speech broadcast by the national TV. The leader also stressed that "nazi-fascist forces" took power in Bolivia.

On November 15, Karen Longarik, who was appointed Foreign Minister in the transitional government by Interim Bolivian President Jeanine Anez, announced expulsion of Venezuelan diplomats. At the same time, Agence France-Presse reported on November 14 that the Bolivian transitional government recognized leader of Venezuelan opposition Juan Guaido as Venezuelan President. On November 16, Guaido had a Skype conversation with Anez when he expressed hope that "he would appoint diplomatic representatives to Bolivia in the coming days."

Bolivia's presidential election was held on October 20. The country's Supreme Electoral Court declared that incumbent President Evo Morales won the first round. His main rival, former President Carlos Mesa, said that he did not recognize Morales' victory. After the results of the election were announced, protests and strikes erupted across the South American country. Morales declared a state of emergency in Bolivia.

On November 10, Bolivian President Evo Morales announced his resignation, branding the developments as a coup d’etat. He stepped down following the demands of the country’s armed forces, opposition and trade unions. Former Vice President of Bolivia Alvaro Garcia Linera also slammed the developments as a coup as well as a few ministers and a number of members of parliament.

On November 12, Morales arrived in Mexico that granted him a political asylum. Later that day, senator and second Vice-Speaker of the Senate of Bolivia Jeanine Anez declared that she had assumed the presidency.