Delhi Union of Journalists expresses shock & anger at PTI retrenchments

New Delhi, September 30; GANASHAKTI: The Delhi Union of Journalists takes strong objection to the arbitrary retrenchment of 297 permanent employees by the management of the Press Trust of India.

The management has chosen to suddenly throw out staffers who have spent long years building up the country’s premier news agency and taking it to new heights. They have been summarily thrown out by putting up a list of names at the PTI office.

Letters have, reportedly, been sent to homes and, according to the management’s claims, dues have been directly transferred to individual bank accounts.

We condemn this move by the PTI management and demand that it be revoked at the earliest. The Union Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting must step in at this juncture to stop these anti-labour and anti-media moves.

We call upon all PTI employees to unite in solidarity and resist the retrenchment. We also call upon the wider community of media persons, both journalists and non-journalists to show solidarity with their victimized colleagues in the PTI.