Russian citizen Burkov detained in Israel hopes to return to Russia

Alexei Burkov (in the middle)

JERUSALEM, November 3. /TASS/: Russian citizen Alexei Burkov, who has been held in an Israeli prison by the request of the US since 2015, told reporters at the Israeli High Court of Justice in Jerusalem on Sunday that he expects to return to Russia.

"Return to Russia," Burkov told Russian reporters when asked what he was counting on.

Burkov also called the decision of Israeli Justice Minister Amir Ohana to extradite him to the United States "aggressive."

He made it clear that he wants the documents of his case to be made public.

"Yes," he said responding to a relevant question from reporters.

On Sunday, the Israeli High Court of Justice is considering a petition from the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, whose journalists insist that materials on the Russian case be published. Earlier, the Jerusalem District Court considered the U.S. request for the extradition of the Russian citizen behind closed doors. All materials of the case have been classified since 2015.

Russian citizen Alexei Burkov was detained during the passport check at the US request while trying to leave Israel on December 13, 2015. The American authorities insist on his extradition because Burkov is suspected of complicity in cybercrimes.

According to Jerusalem Post newspaper, on October 30, Israeli Justice Minister Amir Ohana signed a ruling on Burkov’s extradition to the US.

Burkov’s case was considered by a court in Jerusalem behind closed doors. Russian diplomats in Israel requested of repatriating him to Russia.