Security forces kill 2 militants, arrest 6 suspects near Afghan capital

Security forces

KABUL, Oct. 19 (Xinhua) -- Two Taliban militants were killed and six suspects arrested during a night raid operation in Afghanistan's eastern Wardak province, a statement said Saturday.

"The successful raid was launched by a Special Unit of National Directorate of Security (NDS) in Ghozba village, Jaghato district Friday night. The arrested people were handed over to a related department for questioning," NDS, the country national intelligence agency, said in the statement.

One depot of explosive materials, two Taliban's control and command posts, two vehicles and five motorcycles that had been used by enemy for hit and run attacks were destroyed at the site in the province, 35 km west of Kabul, according to the statement.

The Afghan security forces have beefed up security operations against the Taliban militants recently as they attempted to take territory and consolidate their positions in the countryside.

The Taliban militant group hasn't made a comment on the report yet.