Ex-general: Lack of unity in Israel bigger threat than Iran

 Gabi Ashkenazi

14 Oct 2019; MEMO: Former Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army and senior leader in Blue and White (Kahol Lavan) party, Gabi Ashkenazi, has said that the biggest threat to Israel is the lack of unity, Arab48 reported yesterday.

He said that there is no Israeli decision to end Hamas’ rule in the Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, military action against Iran, aimed at undermining its ability to obtain a nuclear weapon, is still on the table.

In addition, he said that the Syrian Regime President Bashar Al-Assad is paying the price of the Iranian existence in his country.

“The secret of our power is our unity,” Arab48 reported him telling Israeli newspaper Maariv.

“The time when the national consensus is dissolved, the Israeli community would be dissolved and this would be a danger on the whole Zionist enterprise,” he said.

“Ten years ago, I thought that the problem was social and economic,” he said, adding that today the issue is different.

Referring to the corruption cases surrounding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he asked: “What is the power of law? Are all of us equal before the law? Is anyone above the law even if he is the prime minister?”