Labour's Jeremy Corbyn says he wants a UK election

Jeremy Corbyn

SALFORD, England (Reuters) - Britain’s opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said on Monday he wanted an election and that his party would stop a no-deal Brexit.

“We must come together to stop no deal - this week could be our last chance,” Corbyn said in a speech in Salford, northern England. “Then we need a general election.

“In that election, Labour will give people the chance to take back control and have the final say in a public vote with credible options on both sides including the option to remain,” Corbyn said.

When asked whether Labour really wanted a general election, he said: “We want a general election.”

“The vote of no confidence is very much there on the table,” Corbyn said. “If it’s a no deal then we would vote to remain, if it’s any other deal then our party’s democratic processes will decide what position we take.”