Syrian regime, opposition exchange prisoners

1 Aug 2019; MEMO: Syrian regime and opposition on Wednesday mutually released prisoners in line with the provisions agreed in the Astana peace process, Anadolu reports.

Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement said that several persons detained by the regime and opposition were simultaneously released.

“Several persons detained by the opposition groups and the regime were mutually and simultaneously released on July 31 at the Abu al Zindeen district, in the south of al-Bab, controlled by the opposition,” the ministry said in a written statement.

The statement further said that the release of the detainees was an outcome of the fourth project of the working group, set up under the Astana process, on the release of detainees, abductees and handing over bodies of deceased, besides identification of missing persons.

The ministry noted that the working group will continue its efforts and activities.

The Astana peace process, aimed at ending the Syrian conflict, was launched in January 2017, by Russia and Iran — allies of the regime, and Turkey.

The countries agreed on a draft provision on reconciled areas in Syria. They also set up a working group to facilitate exchange of detained and imprisoned persons.