Israel's Ehud Barak returns to politics with new party

 Ehud Barak

27 June 2019; DW: Ehud Barak, a former Israeli premier and outspoken critic of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on Wednesday announced his return to politics with a new party that has yet to be named.

Barak, who is considered one of the most decorated Israeli soldiers, warned that Israel had "never experienced such dark days."

"We are creating a new party to put an end to Netanyahu's power," Barak said. He called for an end to "Netanyahu's rule with the radicals, racists and the corrupt."

'End of the road'

Israel is headed to polls for the second time this year after Netanyahu failed to form a government.

Observers believe Netanyahu may attempt to circumvent prosecution for bribery, fraud and breach of trust by pushing through a law that would grant lawmakers immunity from prosecution.

"I've known you for 50 years," said Barak to Netanyahu, under whom he served as defense minister before retiring from politics. "It's the end of the road for you."

Charges on the table

Last year, Israeli police recommended Netanyahu be indicted in a corruption case involving the country's telecommunications giant Bezek.

They claimed to have enough evidence to show Netanyahu and his wife Sara accepted bribes while committing fraud and breach of trust. Netanyahu has denied involvement in any wrongdoing. Sara was convicted earlier month for misusing state funds.

Authorities are preparing to indict Netanyahu. However, he is guaranteed a hearing before he can be formally charged. Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit scheduled that hearing for October, just weeks after the September 17 general election.