Russian air defense systems destroy over 1,400 enemy air targets over last month — Shoigu

Sergey Shoigu

MOSCOW, November 1. /TASS/: Russian air defense systems destroyed more than 1,400 Ukrainian air targets over the past month, including 37 aircraft and six US-made ATACMS missiles, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu reported.

"Air defense crews are getting the job done. Over the past month they destroyed more than 1,400 enemy air targets, including 37 aircraft and six US-made ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles," Shoigu said during a conference call.

According to him, the 37 planes shot down by Russian air defense systems last month is almost double the number of F-16 fighter jets the West promised to deliver to Ukraine. "That is, given this kind of activity from our air defense systems, they [the F-16 jets] will last about 20 days," Shoigu pointed out.

At the end of his opening remarks at the conference call, the top defense official thanked Russia’s servicemen for their courage, strength and perseverance in defending the Fatherland.