Russian MFA slams upcoming 'Copenhagen platform' meeting on Ukraine as counterproductive

Maria Zakharova

MOSCOW, October 26. /TASS/: The Copenhagen meeting on Ukraine set to take place in Malta will be counterproductive, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

"On October 28-29, Malta will host another meeting of the so-called Copenhagen platform, which will involve national security advisors to the leaders of participating countries Clearly, such get-togethers will lead nowhere as they are simply counterproductive," the diplomat noted.

Zakharova expects that Kiev and the West will take advantage of the meeting to try to persuade members of the global majority to join efforts to implement Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s "peace formula." "The Copenhagen platform is not transparent and does not take the opinions of its members into account. The organizers use all means, including fraud, blackmail and threats, in order to lure in as many countries as possible, especially those who have a neutral position on the Ukrainian crisis," the Russian diplomat added.

"It is certainly regrettable that Malta, which for decades used to emphasize its foreign policy neutrality in terms of military and political issues, is going to host a purely biased and openly anti-Russian event, which has nothing to do with efforts to find a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian crisis," Zakharova concluded.