Russia initiates UNSC meeting on Israeli-Palestinian conflict – Russia’s UN mission

UN Security Council

MOSCOW, October 21. /TASS/: Russia plans to request another meeting of the UN Security Council in order to discuss solutions to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said on the Solovyov Live television channel.

"We will definitely convene another Security Council meeting. As practice has shown, no one but us dares to do it," he said.

"As for the resolution, I do not know how soon we will reach the stage when we again try to adopt a resolution. Probably, we should first go through the General Assembly, which is a UN body where all 193 member-states of the organization are present, and there is such a rule that should the Security Council fail to perform its functions in preserving peace and security, this issue goes to the General Assembly," Polyansky said.

According to the diplomat, the tenth emergency special session of the General Assembly on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is scheduled for next week.

"There is a collective appeal from Arab and Islamic countries asking to restart the special session. It is crucial that each country can have a say," he added.

On Wednesday, the United States vetoed the Brazil-drafted resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Russia abstained from voting, which was caused by the fact that the UN Security Council had voted down its amendments to the Brazil-authored draft. The UK also abstained, while the other twelve members supported the draft resolution.