India is the most dangerous country for women

25 June 2018; Thomson Reuters Foundation has found India to be the most dangerous country for women. Seven years ago India ranked fifth, according to the foundation.

In their survey of about 550 experts on women's issues, conducted online, by phone and in person between March 26 and May 4, 2018 across Europe, Africa, the Americas, South East Asia, South Asia and the Pacific, India was found to be most dangerous country for women.

The survey questions were based on following criteria;

Canadian girl raped in Delhi

New Delhi, June 28, 2018;  As reported by The Hindu newspaper, “A 20-year-old Canadian national was allegedly raped by a 25-year-old man at a guest house in the Capital on Tuesday night.”

A senior police officer name the accused as “Abhishek”. “He invited the woman to the guest house and allegedly raped her there”, said the officer.

According to the officer, “the manager of the guest house, met the victim at a restaurant in Hauz Khas Village on Tuesday evening and befriended her.” reported The Hindu.

Deadliest terror attack on journalists in US

29 June 2018; Five people have been killed and many are injured after a suspect gunman, named Jarrod Ramos by police, opened fire at the Capital Gazette newspaper office, in Annapolis, Maryland.

The people killed include the assistant news editor Rob Hiaasen.

Gazette is one of the oldest newspapers in the United States.

Brazil beat Mexico 2-0 to qualify for World Cup quarter-finals

AFP; Samara (Russia), Jul 2 : Neymar and Roberto Firmino scored the goals as Brazil beat Mexico 2-0 here today to reach the World Cup quarter-finals, where they will play Belgium or Japan.

The opening goal came in the 51st minute, when Neymar slid in to convert Willian's cross, and substitute Firmino scored a late second to seal the win as Neymar turned provider.

49 AU members have signed free trade pact: AU chairperson

NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania, July 2 (Xinhua) -- Forty-nine members of the African Union have signed the African continental free trade area (AfCFTA) agreement, said AU chairperson Paul Kagame on Monday.

Kagame, who is also the Rwandan president, made the announcement in Nouakchott during the closing ceremony of the 31st summit of the 55-member African Union.

South Africa, Sierra Leone, Namibia, Lesotho and Burundi signed the AfCFTA in Nouakchott. Chad and Swaziland ratified the agreement, which brings the total number of ratification to six.

Massive collision tilts Uranus and makes it cold: study

WASHINGTON, July 2 (Xinhua) -- An international team of astronomers found that Uranus was hit by a massive object roughly twice the size of Earth which caused the planet to tilt and came with its freezing temperatures, according to new research.

The study published on Monday in the Astrophysical Journal confirmed a previous study which said that Uranus' tilted position was caused by a collision with a massive object, most likely a young proto-planet made of rock and ice, during the formation of the solar system about four billion years ago.

Erdogan wins Turkey’s election with absolute majority

June 25, 2018; Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won the Turkey’s presidential election with an absolute majority with 90% of 59 million eligible voters participation.

Erdogan  brought forward the elections from November 2019.

Opposition parties and NGOs had deployed up to half a million monitors at ballot boxes to try to prevent possible electoral fraud.

Erdogan will start a new five-year term with new powers that was won in a referendum last year.

Tit for tat tariff by Canada

Canadian government has finalised $12.6 billion tariffs on US goods. Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland announced these tariffs on Friday, which will take effect from July 1.

Freeland said that the money will be spend to support companies and workers hurt by U.S. levies on Canadian steel and aluminum exports.

Brexit divorce bill - £50 billion

27 June 2018; “Britain could end up paying up to £50bn for the Brexit divorce bill because the government has underestimated the costs of leaving, an influential group of MPs have warned.” Reported The Independent.

According to the Independent, Treasury’s earlier estimates missed out £10 billion of costs, including £3 billion towards the European Development Fund.

Australia to buy long-range military surveillance drones

Christopher Pyne. Australian Defence Industry Minister, has announced purchase of six Triton military surveillance drones from US at a cost of about $7 billion – more than $1 billion each.

In an interview with Fairfax Media, Christopher Pyne said that the “unmanned vehicle travels about 11,000km in its range…” and “can go up for a day or more at 60,000 feet”. He said that the fleet “will cover South China sea”.

“we cover about 10% of world’s surface in Australia in reconnaissance and surveillance for our allies, particularly for United States”, said Pyne.

US military pilots blinded by lasers in East China Sea

Jun 22, 2018

US has accused China for targeting its military pilots with lasers. According to US military sources, some 20 such attacks have been made on its aircrew operating in the East China Sea and Djibouti, since September last year, with the one being in the past fortnight.

Aviation Week has quoted a US Marine source as saying the attacks had come from “a range of different sources, both ashore and from fishing vessels”.

BJP breaks alliance with PDP in J&K, President rule implemented

Srinagar; 19 June 2018

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has pulled out of the alliance with People's Democratic Party (PDP) in Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday, and Mehbooba Mufti and her team of ministers have sent in their resignations to the governor.

There were reports that PDP was unhappy with the Center's decision to revoke the month-long suspension of the ceasefire which was in force during the holy month of Ramzan.

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