Jordan: Prince Hamzah was critical of monarch

Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein

16 June 2021; MEMO: A written statement by the former Chief of Jordan's Royal Court, Basim Awadallah, has claimed that Prince Hamzah Bin Hussein was critical of his brother, King Abdullah II, the local media reported on Tuesday. Awadallah's statement was leaked to the media.

In it he said that the leader of the "sedition" was not Awadallah himself, but Prince Hamzah, the former crown prince. In April, the 41-year-old prince was accused of working with foreign parties and other Jordanians in a plot to destabilise the Hashemite Kingdom.

Prince Hamzah was put under house arrest while several officials were sent to prison. The King entrusted his Uncle, Prince Hassan, another former crown prince, to solve the issue within the royal family.

The issues raised by Hamzah were apparently not related to Jerusalem or the Palestinian cause, but to the former US administration of President Donald Trump.

In his statement, Awadallah spoke about repeated meetings with Prince Hamzah at his house. The first was in the holy month of Ramadan last year.

One of them was said to have been held following the death of patients at Al Salt Hospital in March this year. He pointed out that Al Sharif Bin Zaid was the coordinator between himself and Prince Hamzah, who is alleged to have asked the former Royal Court official to seek external support from Saudi Arabia.