UN chief praises Germany as "force for peace"

Antonio Guterres

BERLIN, Dec. 18 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday praised Germany as a "force for peace" during a speech at the Bundestag, Germany's parliament.

"I experience how Germany plays a leading role in the world every day with a deep sense of history and responsibility," Guterres said in his speech, which the polyglot delivered in German.

"Germany is facing the great challenges of our time," stressed Guterres, who visited the country's capital Berlin as part of a series of events marking the founding of the United Nations 75 years ago.

The UN Charter, the intergovernmental organization's founding treaty, entered into force on Oct. 24, 1945.

"Germany is an important ally throughout the world in our efforts to achieve peace," said Guterres.

He also spoke about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and expressed hope that vaccines against the virus should be accessible and affordable to everyone everywhere.

The COVID-19 pandemic was increasing poverty and famine was threatening. "Everywhere, the most vulnerable are suffering the most," said Guterres, noting a lack of international cooperation.

Regarding the climate crisis, Guterres stressed the importance of climate protection and that there was still a lot that needed to be done. "The greatest of all threats comes not from wars, but from the suicidal war against nature."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who was present during the speech, said in a press statement after meeting the UN chief that Germany would "remain firmly at the side of the United Nations, working together to advance multilateral solutions and help find peaceful political solutions in crises such as those in Libya or Sudan."