Jordan King Highlights Role Of Re-Globalisation In Dealing With Global Challenges

Jordan King Abdullah II

AMMAN, Sept 23 (NNN-PETRA) – King Abdullah II of Jordan, said that, countries can only overcome global challenges, including the COVID-19, through re-globalisation, which makes the well-being of all peoples the ultimate goal.

The Jordanian King made the remarks in an address at the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly, held virtually for the first time, in which he emphasised that there will be several global challenges ahead, including food security.

“Jordan is preparing to deal with this and is ready to assist its region and friends by channeling its capabilities to operate as a regional hub for food security,” King Abdullah was quoted as saying.

The King said, as long as injustice and lack of peace persist, anywhere in the world, the UN must not rest and the entire world must not rest.

He also said that the only solution to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict must be based on the two-state solution.

“The only way towards just and lasting peace must lead to an independent, sovereign, and viable Palestinian state, on the June 4, 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital, living side-by-side with Israel, in mutual peace and security,” the Jordanian leader said.

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the UN, “we remain deeply committed to its promise in building a more prosperous, inclusive and peaceful world, and we see in these extraordinary times an opportunity to help fulfil that promise,” the King said.

He stressed that the COVID-19 crisis brought a mirror to the world, and shown everyone the cracks in the global system.

The pandemic “has offered us what could be a historic moment to rethink the role of the United Nations and other multilateral organisations, to become more impactful in dealing with” challenges, including pandemics and raging conflicts, he concluded.