Taliban say ‘another’ meeting in Middle East with US

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The Taliban say “another” meeting is to be held with the United States, this time in the United Arab Emirates and involving representatives of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates.

The terse statement from Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said the meeting would be held Monday without offering details.

The State Department has neither denied nor confirmed previous meetings, but U.S. special peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad previously said he has met with all Afghans involved in the 17-year war.

Since Khalilzad’s appointment in September attempts to jumpstart peace talks have accelerated. Pakistan earlier said it would help orchestrate this latest round of talks.

They are aimed at bringing an eventual end to Washington’s participation in what has become its longest war at a cost so far of $1 trillion.