Belarus: Lukashenko sees no need in being tested for COVID-19 - press secretary

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko

MINSK, May 2. /TASS/: Belarusian president’s press secretary Natalia Eismont said on Saturday President Alexander Lukashenko sees no need in being tested for the novel coronavirus because he is feeling well.

"I know that the president has not been tested for the coronavirus infection. There is no need in that," she said in an interview with the Belarus 1 television channel. According to the spokeswoman, the president is feeling well.

The president, in her words, is living outside the city and keeps healthy lifestyles. "He has a strong immunity and feels well," she said. "So, there is no point in conducting tests as of today."

Belarus has 15,828 confirmed coronavirus cases but has imposed no lockdowns. Despite WHO’s warnings, school classes were resumed from April 20 and preparations for the Victory Day parade are continuing. People are opting for self-isolation regime voluntarily.

According to earlier reports, one of the members of the Lukashenko’s ice hockey team had contracted COVID-19. Moreover, the monastery Lukashenko had visited on Easter was closed over the coronavirus infection. Meanwhile, Lukashenko reportedly said the coronavirus threats were exaggerated calling it "a psychotic disorder that has halted the global economy.".