Former Algerian Prez Bouteflika lives in complete isolation in his medically equipped house

 Abdelaziz Bouteflika

01 April 2020; MEMO:Former Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika is living alone in complete isolation in his medically equipped home in Zeralda in Algiers, a year after he abdicated power under the pressure of people and the army.

After forcing himself to be part of Algerian political life for decades, he has almost disappeared since he suffered a stroke in 2013. Bouteflika has not been seen since the people and the army forced him to abandon power on 2 April 2019.

On that date, Bouteflika appeared for the last time on TV to announce his resignation, after trying to hold onto power until the last minute.

The end of Bouteflika’s rule became inevitable after weeks of massive demonstrations against his candidacy for a fifth term. The army announced, using the words of the late Chief of Staff General Ahmed Qaid Saleh, that they had abandoned him.

Since 2013 Bouteflika, who turned 83 on 2 March, has left his home in Zeralda on the Mediterranean coast, only rarely.

A close source said that he “is living there surrounded by his sister and medical stuff.”

Former Algerian political science professor Mohamed Hanad says that Bouteflika is still “enjoying all the privileges” secured in his previous position, but almost nothing is clear about his daily life.

The last time he was talked about officially was on 12 December, the day the media released his ID photo when his brother Nasser stood for election on his behalf.

Algerian journalist Farid Alilat, author of Bouteflika’s latest autobiography, said in an interview published last month by the French weekly Le Point newspaper: “Bouteflika receives few visitors. He is still confined to a wheelchair. He is unable to speak because of his illness, but he is aware of everything happening in Algeria.”