UAE-backed militants in Aden steal medical aid sent by WHO

31 Mar 2020; MEMO: Militants loyal to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Yemen are reported to have stormed into the southern port of Aden and stolen medical aid donated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as part of a package to help deal with the coronavirus pandemic. A source in the Yemeni Ministry of Health said that gunmen stole nine ambulances provided by the WHO.

The source pointed out that at least six military vehicles were used to carry the militants during the raid. Eighty-one ambulances were provided by the WHO for the health sector in Yemen’s liberated provinces, along with 15 mobile clinics and 65 mechanical ventilators.

The shipment arrived at the port about a week ago. However, the STC forces held the shipment in the port and refused to hand it over to the ministry.