Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union Rejects U.S. Mideast Peace Plan

Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union

AMMAN, Feb 9 (NNN-PETRA) – The Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (APU), voiced its rejection of the U.S. Middle East peace plan, announced by U.S. President, Donald Trump.

The remarks were made during the 30th emergency session of the APU, which convened representatives of 20 Arab countries in Amman, capital of Jordan.

At the meeting, Jordan’s Lower House Speaker, Atef Tarawneh, said, the Palestinian issue is facing its most difficult conditions, especially as the Israeli occupation is protected by the biased U.S. government.

Tarawneh, who is also APU president, called for forming an “Arab rejection front” that eliminates division and embraces unity.

He added that there will be no future for any solution that is rejected by Palestinians. He noted that, no solution is viable without an independent Palestinian state, on its national soil on the pre-1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Speaking during the event, Jordanian Prime Minister, Omar Razzaz said, the current conditions require constant coordination among Arab states.

Chairman of the Palestinian National Council, Salim Zanoun, said that, solutions mentioned under the U.S. deal are destructive, and therefore, rejected, as they neglect the right of return for Palestinian refugees and recognise Jerusalem, in its entirety, as capital of Israel.