Houthis launch ballistic missile at Saudi city of Najran

28 Dec 2019; MEMO: On Friday, Houthi rebels announced the targeting of the Saudi city of Najran with a ballistic missile, killing and wounding tens of Saudi soldiers, Anadolu Agency reported.

Spokesman of the Houthis, Mohamed Abdul-Salam, posted on Twitter: “A ballistic missile was launched at the leadership camp of Brigade 19 of the border guards in the city of Najran.”

He added: “The attack resulted in tens of death and injuries among the Saudi troops, including senior officers.”

Abdul-Salam claims that this attack came in response to the Saudi attacks carried out by the Saudi regime.

This was the first attack since the Houthis had announced a one-sided truce in September.

Yemen has remained wracked by violence since 2014, when the Iran-aligned Houthi group overran much of the country, including the capital Sanaa.

The conflict escalated the following year, when Saudi Arabia and its Arab allies launched a massive air campaign aimed at rolling back Houthi gains in Yemen, and supported the country’s pro-Saudi government.

More than 70,000 people have been killed in the intensifying conflict since 2016, according to United Nations estimates.