India: Protests against CAA continue in Assam

Assam protest

Guwahati, Dec 23 (PTI) Protests against the contentious citizenship law continued in Assam with agitators staging sit-ins across the state on Monday.

However, no violence from anywhere in the state was reported.

Former Chief Minister Prafulla Kumar Mahanta, who was the founder of the Asom Gana Parishad which is an alliance partner of the ruling BJP in the state, joined a sit-in at the Gandhi Mandap, a memorial for Mahatma Gandhi atop the Sarania Hill in Guwahati with his party colleagues to protest against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act.

As a part of the series of programmes, announced by the All Assam Students' Union (AASU) for the week, litterateurs, people from different walks of life, social activists took part in a protest programme at the Latasil field in the city.

Protests were also staged in different parts of the state where people held up the symbol of Assamese culture - Gamosa - with 'No CAB' and 'We oppose CAB' written on them.

The Krishak Mukti Sangram Parishad (KMSS) also held a demonstration at Chachal in the city against the legislation and demanded release of their leader and RTI activist Akhil Gogoi who was arrested on December 17 by NIA.

Assam has witnessed one of the worst violent protests by the public in its history with three rail stations, a post office, a bank, a bus terminus, shops, dozens of vehicles and many other public properties being set ablaze or totally damaged.

Already five persons, including four in firing by security forces, have lost their lives since December 11.

After the Rajya Sabha passed the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill on December 11 night, the state erupted in protests, in which agitators engaged in pitch battles in almost every major city or town, forcing the administration to impose curfew.

With the situation is turning to normal, the curfew has been lifted from several cities.