Jordan King Reiterates Two-State Solution As Sole Way To Resolve Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Jordan King Abdullah

AMMAN, Oct 20 (NNN-PETRA) – King Abdullah II of Jordan, met on Saturday, with a U.S. delegation, stressing the need to reach just, lasting and comprehensive peace, on the basis of the two-state solution, to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The meeting with the delegation, headed by U.S. House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, also covered the cooperation and strategic partnership between Jordan and the United States, as well as, regional developments.

Discussing regional issues, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause, the King stressed the two-state solution will guarantee the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

About the Syrian crisis, the King urged a political solution that safeguards Syria’s territorial integrity and the unity of its people, while guaranteeing the safe and voluntary return of refugees.

The meeting also covered regional and international efforts, to counter terrorism within a comprehensive approach.

For their part, the U.S. lawmakers commended Jordan’s efforts, in pursuit of peace and stability in the region.