Saudi official to sue Egyptian defector Mohamed Ali

6 Oct 2019; MEMO: Chairman of General Authority for Entertainment in Saudi Arabia, Turki Al-Sheikh, hinted on Friday that he would prosecute Egyptian defector, Mohamed Ali, Anadolu News Agency reported on Friday.

“I heard that there is a contractor who wanted to play the role of a hero, but could not pull it off,” Al-Sheikh announced on Facebook on Thursday, referring to Ali.

“He is unfortunately Egyptian and based in Spain. In my capacity as the owner of a club in Spain and a holder of Spanish residency, due to his transgressions and insults in his YouTube videos and Facebook clips, I have decided to take legal action with the biggest law firm in Spain,” he added.

He continued “I wish I could win this case so that maybe he will be extradited to his original country, although he does not seem to be original. It seems he never drank Nile water.”

Spanish authorities, and Mohamed Ali himself have not as yet commented on the tweets of the Saudi minister.