Germany approves Saudi arms sale despite Yemen war ban promise

20 Sep 2018; DW: Germany has approved the delivery of weapons to Saudi Arabia despite a commitment not to export arms to countries fighting in the war in Yemen.

Economy Minister Peter Altmaier greenlighted the shipment of four artillery positioning systems for armored vehicles, according to a letter he provided to a parliamentary committee. The mounted radars can locate the origin of enemy fire and enable precise counterstrikes.

Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives and the Social Democrats agreed in their coalition deal early this year not to sell weapons to any side fighting in Yemen's civil war. The agreement excluded already approved exports, so long as they stay in the recipient country.

The Federal Security Council, which includes several ministers alongside Merkel, also authorized the export of 48 warheads and 91 homing heads for ship-based air defense systems to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

A military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE intervened in Yemen in 2015 to support the internationally recognized government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who was ousted by Houthi rebels. The military coalition also imposes a naval blockade.

More than 10,000 people have been killed in the conflict, which has unleashed a massive humanitarian crisis and threatened millions of people with starvation.

Saudi and Emirati forces have been accused of human rights abuses and possible war crimes.