India: death toll from chemical factory explosion rises to 7

NEW DELHI, Sept 14 (NNN-Xinhua) -- The death toll from the chemical factory explosion on Wednesday in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has risen to seven, as one more body was recovered in the methane gas boiler tank, police said Friday.

The gas boiler tank exploded on Wednesday at Mohit Petro Chemical Factory in Bijnor district, some 440 km from state capital Lucknow.

At the time, 11 people were working at the site repairing the tank that had developed some fault a couple of days back.

"Six laborers died in the blast that day only. One more body was found Thursday... The toll now stands at seven. We have now ended our search. Two others injured are recovering at a hospital," a police official said.

The owner of the factory has been charged for culpable homicide not amounting to murder. "A probe is on and the guilty will not be spared. Family members of the deceased have also filed complaints against the factory owner," the official added.

State Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had expressed grief over the incident.

Explosions and fires in small factories are common in India because of the lack of regards for basic safety norms and absence of fire-fighting equipment. -- NNN-XINHUA