US considers possibility of introducing sanctions against Russia’s Sukhoi company

WASHINGTON, September 13. /TASS/. The US Treasury is considering the possibility of introducing sanctions against Russian company "Sukhoi", allegedly because its planes may have been used in Syrian chemical attacks, Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing Marshall Billingslea stated on Thursday during a session of the US House of Representatives.

The congresspersons asked Billingslea whether the Washington administration is planning to introduce sanctions against the Sukhoi company. "That's a great question. We are looking at Sukhoi. Obviously, we're very concerned that their aircraft may have been used in chemical weapons attacks on innocent people in Syria for instance, and if that proves to be a case that's unacceptable," the assistant secretary replied.

According to Congressman Bill Keating, the US administration is deliberately leaving out companies, like Sukhoi, which continue "to enable Russian activities in Ukraine and Russian activities in Syria".

Congressman Ted Lieu asked the assistant secretary why the US does not introduce sanctions against Sukhoi due to its contracts with Iran. "Sukhoi fighter jets are all over the place, not just with Iran. But also Sukhoi passenger jets are in service here in the United States and other places. So I think we need to kind of keep that in mind," Billingslea stated.

The Sukhoi company is one of the world’s largest military aircraft producers and a member of the United Aircraft Corporation.