New Italian government to be sworn in on Thursday

Giuseppe Conte

ROME, Sept 5 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has told President Sergio Mattarella that he is in position to form a new government, which will be sworn in on Thursday, a presidential official said.

The swearing-in ceremony, involving the whole cabinet, will take place at the presidential palace at 10 a.m. (0800 GMT).

Roberto Gualtieri, an influential member of the European Parliament from the Democratic Party (PD), will be economy minister in Italy’s new government, Conte said.

Luigi Di Maio, leader of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, will be foreign minister, while the interior ministry will go to Luciana Lamorgese, a career civil servant with no political affiliation.

Lamorgese takes over from Matteo Salvini, the hard-right leader who brought down the previous government last month by pulling his League party out of the ruling coalition in a vain attempt to force early elections.