20 killed, 26 injured in El Paso, Texas; Whitist terrorist in Police custody

 El Paso terror attack

20 people have been killed and 26 injured, including a 4 month old baby, in a terror attack at an El Paso shopping centre on Saturday, according to according to El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen.

"The ages and genders of all these people injured and killed are numerous in the age groups," Allen said. "The situation, needless to say, is a horrific one." Said Allen.

A 21-year-old white man from Allen, Texas, is in police custody, Allen said.

The case also has a "nexus to a potential hate crime," he said.

"Right now, we have a manifesto from this individual that indicates to some degree a nexus to a potential hate crime," Allen said.

The federal sources said investigators are reviewing an online writing posted days before the shooting that may speak to a motive.

CNN reported the suspect is 21-year-old Patrick Crusius of Allen, just outside Dallas, according to three sources.

This is the second terror attack in a week, following US President Donald Trump’s infamous tweet ‘send them back’, referring to four non-white congress women.

Sheri Weistaner tweeted @clanchefan, making Trump culpable to this terror act;


Nina Burleightweeted @ninaburleigh tweeted;
