All ballots counted, Zelensky's Servant of People party wins with 43.16% of votes

Vladimir Zelensky

KIEV, July 26. /TASS/: Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky's Servant of People party is winning the snap parliamentary election with 43.16% of the votes, the Central Election Commission (CEC) says after all 100% of the ballots have been counted.

Four other parties have overcome the five-percent threshold. Opposition Platform - For Life received 13.05% of the votes, former prime minister Yulia Timoshenko's Batkivshchina - 8.18%, former president Pyotr Poroshenko's European Solidarity - 8.10%, and singer Svyatoslav Vakarchuk's Golos (Voice) - 5.82%.

According to CEC, more than 6.3 million people supported Zelensky’s party, the Opposition Platform - For Live secured support of more than 1.9 million people, Batkivschina was backed by almost 1.2 million people, while European Solidarity - by 1.18 million. About 851,000 people voted for Golos in the snap parliamentary election.

Now, the Central Election Commission is to sum up the results no later than on August 4, officially publishing them in the newspapers Holos Ukrayiny (Voice of Ukraine) and Uryadovy Kuryer (Governmental Courier) before August 9. The new parliament is meet for its first session no later than on September 9. Prior to its opening, the parliamentarians will take the oath.

A snap parliamentary election was held in Ukraine on July 21. Voter turnout stood at 49.84%, the lowest ever in the history of Ukrainian parliamentary elections with more than 14.7 million people skipping the poll.