Donetsk claims lack of progress during talks in Minsk

MINSK, June 5. /TASS/: The political subgroup of the Contact Group for the settlement in eastern Ukraine has not reached any significant progress in the discussion of the main item on the agenda during Wednesday’s talks in Minsk, the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) envoy Natalia Nikonorova stated.

"There has not been any significant progress in the discussion of the main item on the agenda today. We have insisted on planning our work in the same order specified in the Package of Measures and following the logic of the implementation of said document," the Donetsk News Agency quotes Nikonorova as saying.

She added that firstly, they need to begin the negotiations on Ukraine granting special status to Donbass, which has to be included in the Constitution of Ukraine. However, the Ukrainian envoys refused to discuss this item on the agenda, she informed, adding that the progress in the Contact Group depends on the political will on adhering to the Minsk Agreements.

"So far we have to state that there is no such will," she concluded.

On June 5, the first meeting of the Contact Group for the settlement in eastern Ukraine took place since the election of new Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.