'US prisoners to remain in Iran until full transfer of frozen money'


Tehran, IRNA – Mohammad Jamshidi, the Iranian president's deputy chief of staff for political affairs, has said that the US prisoners will remain in Iran until the full transfer of Iranian assets in South Korea which are said to be unfrozen following a prisoner swap deal with the US.

Jamshidi said on Friday that the process of releasing Iran’s total assets in South Korea has begun after the release of the country’s assets in Iraq.

An informed source stressed last night that the US prisoners had been transferred “to a place outside prison” for the purpose of the prisoner exchange, adding, however, that they would not be freed until the funds are transferred to accounts designated by Iran under the deal.

Following some claims that Iran’s access to these assets will be limited, Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a statement which stressed that Iran will determine how to use these assets and they will be consumed to meet different needs of the country as determined by the related authorities.

Mohammad Marandi, a prominent Iranian political and nuclear analyst, have also said that Iran will have direct and full access to its unfrozen assets in South Korea.