Pakistan: Arrangements being finalized to mark Kashmir Solidarity Day in Hyderabad

Syed Jawad Muzaffar

HYDERABAD, Feb 03 (APP): Deputy Commissioner Matiari Syed Jawad Muzaffar has directed the staff to finalize arrangement in connection with the Kashmir Solidarity Day.

In this regard, banners and panaflexes were being fixed on all intersections and important buildings in the city, inscribing Kashmir-related slogans.

He also directed the education authorities to participate in the rallies and hold special programs in educational institutions to highlight the gross human rights violations and brutality of Indian forces in Indian-occupied Kashmir.

Isra University Hyderabad on Friday organized a rally and a seminar to mark the day. Vice Chancellor Dr Nazir Ashraf Laghari, while addressing the seminar said Kashmir was a part of Pakistan when the country won independence from the colonial power and that the valley would remain an inalienable part of the country.

Laghari said India’s tactics of suppressing and brutalizing the Kashmiri people would go in vain as the spirit for the valley’s freedom would never die down.