India: ICMR & IIT-K evolve i-drone to send vaccines in tough zones

 IIT Kanpur

Kanpur: The Indian Council Medical Research has developed i-Drone in alliance with IIT-K.

It will be the first flying commercial drone in the South Asian region. This will facilitate vaccine delivery to tough and difficult-to-reach terrains of the country.

On October 4, India transported vaccines across Manipur's remote and hilly regions conveniently, 

Covering a distance of 31 km in 15 minutes for delivering the vaccines remains a unique task. It was transported from Bishnupur District Hospital to Karang Health Centre, Loktak Lake, Manipur.

Talking about the usability of the drone, it was also said that it is not only for vaccine supply but also for transporting essential medicines.

The ICMR's Drone-based Vaccine delivery model is efficient. Telangana had launched beyond visual line of sight flights to deliver a payload comprising vaccines last month.